Anna Gát is the founder of the Interintellect, a global community and talent platform for public intellectuals. In this episode we discuss:
- The moments that change lives – so called 'Damascus moments' that lead to personal transformation – and whether these moments can be forced.
- What it means to be an adult in an age where there are no clear transitions set out by society anymore and how we can manage that process ourselves.
- The notion of vocation – whether we all have something we're uniquely capable of doing, the process for discovering that and the need to harmonise your dreams with your practical reality.
I'm really impressed by what Anna is doing with the Interintellect and she's definitely spent a lot of time thinking about these questions in depth, so I'm sure you'll find this discussion valuable.
Sam Sethi is an award winning radio presenter, podcaster and entrepreneur who hosts the podcast Sam Talks Technology. In this episode we discuss:
- How to apply second curve thinking in your career to stay futureproof
- The future of podcasting and how listening habits differ across the world
- The cutting edge of voice tech and what's on the way
I'm becoming increasingly curious about the future of podcasting and voice tech and Sam was the perfect person to get into the weeds with on this, as well as providing some great insights on career, the army and much more.