Choosing what to learn is no easy task if you’re doing it right. But doing a bit of work up front can save you a lot of trouble in the end. In this episode I discuss:
- The major differences between passion and professional projects
- A simple framework for identifying the skill you should learn next
- The three skills everyone should be developing in the 21st century
So whether you’re overwhelmed with multiple ideas or can’t come up with what to learn next, this episode has you covered.
Cecily Sommers is a futurist and author who speaks, writes, and consults on the forces shaping our future. In this conversation we discuss:
- The universal principles behind mastering any skill or field of knowledge
- The 4 Forces shaping the 21st Century and what to do about them
- The mental models and habits needed to think like a futurist
So if you want to learn more about the mindsets and skillsets needed to thrive in a rapidly changing world, this episode has you covered.
Stephen Kosslyn is world-renowned cognitive scientist and the Founding Dean of Minerva, an innovative new university. In this conversation we discuss:
- How Minerva applies the science of learning to its curriculum and pedagogy
- The major misconceptions about the Minerva project and its key innovations
- The importance of community in any learning program
Whether you’re interested in the application of learning science or curious about the latest innovations in education this episode has you covered.
Seth Godin is one of the world’s best marketers, the author of 18 bestsellers and the founder of the altMBA. In this conversation we discuss:
- What Seth has learned from building a successful online education program
- Seth’s insights on creativity, including quitting projects and getting feedback
- Seth’s advice on selling and marketing effectively
Whether you’re looking for creative inspiration, insight into alternative education or the secrets to selling well, this episode has you covered.